Thursday, July 15, 2010


I've decided that I need to try and get out of the office by 8 p.m. each day. After a few nights of staying until 9 or 10, I already know that if I continue on this route I'm going to make a habit of staying late and that is not good. I've been getting to the office between 10 and 11 in the morning, so working 9 to 10 hour days is not what i want to do, especially because I don't really take a lunch break and tend to just eat throughout the day while I am working. Now, I'll be the first to admit I'm not always working, as I do get distracted or need a breather, so don't get the impression that I'm slaving away here under a harsh taskmaster... I'm not. Sebas is a very nice boss.

Taking the metro home there were two interesting incidents. First, there was a "Incan-style" musician inside the car on the train playing the pan pipes along with a recording, and then going around asking for money when he finished. I'd seen it before, but I had forgotten how strange it was. From what I can tell, you don't need permits to play/busk in the metro, either in the stations or on the trains themselves. Also, no one really plays anything, they just do karaoke (seriously) or play an instrument accompanied by a recording. Then there are the bootleg sellers of fans, sunglasses, bracelets, and dvds in the station displaying their wares on the ground. So strange.

Secondly, there was a cute guy on the train, but I had no idea of how to approach him, if at all. I even considered getting off at the same stop as him (which I could have done at Callao if I had wanted to transfer to the yellow line) just to see if we were going in the same direction, but in the end I stayed on the green line because I didn't want to have to wait for another train. But I don't know what I would have said anyway. It's kind of intimidating with the language barrier, afraid of making a fool of myself because I don't fully understand what someone is saying. Mind you, that was probably the least of my problems, considering that I was wearing the fuzzy devil horns on my head at the time (I had put them on for Ana's arrival and just kept wearing them most of the day... I received many strange and amused looks from people). Sometimes my life is a spectacle. :D

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see a photo of you wearing those fuzzy devil horns! :D
